Top 6 Tips To Improve E-commerce Product Catalog Management with Pimcore

The role of product catalogs is gradually increasing when it comes to improving both online and in-store customer shopping experience. Product catalogs have been long known to represent a story about a brand and what it sells. However, over the years, the role of product catalogs has evolved.  From placing product information in a consistent…

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Pimcore Migration & Upgrading – Best Practices and Considerations

Having the latest technologies on board is essential to stay abreast in the current competitive market. Although Pimcore itself is a future-proof and robust application, it is necessary to keep updating it to ensure its impeccability and high performance. The latest version of Pimcore is more scalable than its previous versions because the developers at…

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Everything You Need to Know About Pimcore’s Digital Asset Management (DAM)

Digital transformation has been witnessed in nearly every industry because of the tremendous growth in digital content. Businesses today deal with hundreds and thousands of digital assets. These digital assets are available in numerous formats, and in many cases, they are scattered in multiple locations. This makes managing digital assets more time-consuming and cumbersome. What…

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Pimcore Vs. Salsify – Choosing the Right PIM Platform

In this fast-paced, data-driven digital world, the success of any business is heavily dependent on how well they manage their product data. If you have been searching for a product information management (PIM) tool for your business, you may have probably heard of Pimcore and Salsify – two most popular PIM solutions in the market….

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How Pimcore Can Help Overcome E-commerce Business Challenges

A decade ago, creating an online store and displaying a product catalogue on the website was just enough to attract customers and maintain a digital presence. A few years ago, having a mobile application was a must to stay ahead in the competition. Today’s digital e-commerce demands a lot more. Year by year there is…

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Pimcore Vs. EnterWorks – Which is Best for Your Organization?

Product and customer data play a crucial role in any e-commerce business. The success of the business heavily relies on how efficiently they manage data, which is a key element for any business. A Product Information Management (PIM) tool emerged as a life-savior when it comes to managing a large volume of product data and…

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Why Should You Integrate Pimcore into Your E-commerce Business in 2023

As technology is evolving at a rapid pace, digital brands and retailers must upgrade their tech ecosystem in order to keep up with the customer expectations – who want to shop anything within a few clicks. Failing to deliver unified and personalized customer experiences can put your online business at the risk of going down,…

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Using Pimcore’s Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to Boost Your E-commerce Business

Pimcore is one of the incredible product data and experience management tools that can immensely improve your e-commerce workflow. It helps you store, organize, enrich and publish data to multiple channels and assist in delivering personalized product experiences. Pimcore not only improves quality, accuracy and consistency of product data, but also offer certain tools for…

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Key Features of Pimcore Multichannel Content Management System (CMS)

Earlier, managing content used to be pretty straightforward. You write content, post it on your blog or forum, and you are done. There was no concept about multichannel content management as such. However, content management has become more complex over time. Content distribution channels have increased, and it will continue to grow. Everyone looks for…

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Enhance Customer Experience with Pimcore Headless CMS

Pimcore is an outstanding platform that brings multiple tools and functionalities from different areas, such as product information management, customer data management, master data management, commerce and content management in a single consolidated platform.  Today, Pimcore has evolved into a powerful DXP/CMS platform that combines traditional webpage building with great API-centered and headless content delivery….

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