How Pimcore Can Help Overcome E-commerce Business Challenges

A decade ago, creating an online store and displaying a product catalogue on the website was just enough to attract customers and maintain a digital presence. A few years ago, having a mobile application was a must to stay ahead in the competition. Today’s digital e-commerce demands a lot more. Year by year there is…

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How PIM Increases Business Sales on Modern Marketplaces?

Marketplaces are becoming more popular in the e-commerce industry. More and more businesses are inclined to sell on marketplaces, such as eBay and Amazon for a number of benefits they offer. In fact, marketplaces are expected to generate more than $3.5 trillion in sales by 2024. This multi-channel sales strategy ensures that your products reach…

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How a PIM Platform Can Solve Customer Experience Challenges in Digital Commerce

We live in the AI age, where data is considered the new currency for modern businesses. Today the perception of business has drastically changed, especially after COVID-19. Not only the perception of businesses, but there is a significant change in customer demands and requirements. Organizations must go beyond branding and traditional business ethics to pace…

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What Makes Pimcore a Great Choice for Your E-commerce Business?

In present e-commerce era, the quality of product information cannot be understated. Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor or retailer, you need a dedicated product data management tool in place that ensures high-quality, accuracy, consistency and completeness of data across all sales and marketing channels. That’s when Pimcore can into the play. Pimcore is an…

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