How to Import Contact Data into CiviCRM?

Many organizations have data residing outside CiviCRM, such as contact sheet created for an event, previously created database, or list of email newsletter records. Manually importing and exporting this data could be very tedious. Therefore, CiviCRM offers an easy way to transfer this data if other system supports some common database formats, such as CSV…

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What is Continuous Integration and How It Can Be Helpful?

While developing a software, there are multiple things involved, such as the programming language, framework and technology.Regardless of what language or framework you choose, be it Symfony or WordPress, you should always consider using Continuous Integration. Continuous Integration is the software development process where each code change done in the database is tested automatically and…

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Mobile Apps ASAP

There is nodenying that smartphones have transformed our lives. Smartphoneapplications have brought our work, our friends, our interests andour hobbies literally to the palm of our hands. This is the opportunetime for businesses to develop and maintain business mobile applications so they don’t fall behind in this increasingly techsavvy world. So, should youconsider having a…

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